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What have we done?

1 Apr

It seem to me that the baby boomers have bred imbeciles. Gen X & Y seem to need the minutia of everyday explained to them every day. And if it is not then they will sue someone.

They seem incapable of taking responsibility for their own actions, expect instant gratification and an entitlement to money that they show no interest in earning.

Well the news is that what goes around comes around and they will reap what they sow. Yes, a couple of old adages but they are still in use for a reason.

Compassion, consideration and respect for others is not on their radar because they think I and me and they have none of the above for themselves.

Until the general populace takes responsibility for their actions, big brother will be involved in their every day. If you want big brother to mind his own business then start minding yours!

Good catch?

19 Jan

That is what was suggested to me recently. I have also had other comments along similar lines. You know, do you have a partner? Why not? It has made me seriously consider how I should respond to these questions.

I don’t do intimacy, particularly the emotional kind. Some of this comes from my parents example. I could not name Dad’s best friend and while I could name Mum’s, there was no evident sharing of things that I would expect of that type of friendship.

I have had acquaintances that I have shared experiences with, I have even been married and had another 2 year relationship. What I have always found is that these people are not worthy of the trust required to have that emotional intimacy. I had it during my marriage but when things started to go wrong, he would raise these matters as reasons. This has been the enduring memory of all shared intimacy, when things get difficult, they are just thrown in my face. Therefore, why would I volunteer these things at any time?

So, how do you answer these questions without being offensive? No one is worthy? No one is to be trusted?

I see and have had relationships break down where assets are divided. Well, I have worked for and earned all I have and don’t feel inclined to share it in this way again.

Knowing all of this still does not help me to politely answer the question. I will just have to give it more thought.


29 Sep

So, everyone is watching the grand final! Or, they are having a party of some kind around it. I enjoy the entertainment they put on but the tv coverage denies us access to that. Why they think those of us who do not go to the game are interested in the minutia of football I do not know. I want to watch the entertainment and have been denied by the broadcaster.

This is not an unusual event. All broadcasters think they can dictate what we see. The internet says this is not so. We will not be censored.

I want all television broadcasters who think they can control what we see, they do not understand this age of communication. If they are not telling me the news I want to hear then I am searching the internet for it.

This is actually a regular event as the broadcasters try to get us to buy into pay TV. I am a great supporter of FREE TV. Because of this I will protect my right to access free information on television and protest the loss of many events to pay TV. Why should I have to pay for access to events that I have paid taxes to support.

If my taxes are not enough to entitle my access then I deny the right of my taxes to pay  for support of these events.

friend poor

20 Sep

I have been looking into another volunteering role and am now wondering if my rolling stone lifestyle is going to prevent me from it. They are asking for three references that meet five criteria, I cannot give them one.

I was a nurse and in the last two jobs I had I found I did not like nurses. They are not nice to each other and so I decided I did not want to do it anymore. Also, because of this I have not kept in touch with any nurses.

Now, the reference calls for someone who has seen me doing my job and with whom I am still in contact and who is not a relative. There is no one like that in my life, so I am stuck.

I have previously mentioned the difficulties in establishing oneself in a new location and this is another thing that is part of that. Later I will report on the response to this, how it affects my application.


18 Sep

These last couple of weeks my laptop has been “out of order”. It is amazing how when you are used to something and then it is not there, you do things differently. I use the laptop most of the time for my blog. I find it easier to write with it on my lap and that is why I haven’t written much the last couple of weeks. When I thought about writing and that I would have to sit at the desk, I just didn’t feel it.

Today I have it back. Something so simple as the lights went out. Yes, the backlight of the screen blew and no they cannot be replaced, a new screen is required.

The benefit or silver lining to this is that I have found two people with whom I have had great conversations about apple vs pc, laptop vs tablet and versions of cell phones. It was great. I love talking technology and picking the brains of those who actually know something and maybe being able to give them some food for thought too.

The upside is that now I do not need to buy a new computer device and can get the new phone I want instead. My current one is now 6 years old and feeling the wear so my only decision is which one? Ah the joy of going out and looking at gadgets!


16 Sep

I am a little annoyed with my family at present. Not an unusual occurrence for most of us I guess. I am also over Facebook. I do not want to know the trivial thoughts of the next generation so I have unfriended them. This was not the only reason I admit. I asked them to put a post on their walls for me and none of them did. Says to me that none of them care about me while asking me to post things for them. Well, no more. I have deactivated my account and am no longer interested in the trivia of my family’s day-to-day lives.

Over the last fortnight I have had my siblings and spouses to dinner, separately, and my parents for lunch. It is a far better way to keep in touch. One sister-in-law is really a stranger to me and I thought having them to dinner would let me know her a bit more. She doesn’t have a lot to say, neither does Dad. It is okay because now she knows me better. This is the generation I want to connect with.

My life is interesting enough for me. I have become involved in the community through volunteering and joining a club. I am meeting interesting people and getting to do things usually out of the realm of a regular member of the public. I get to go out for dinner 3-4 times a month and with some events coming up that is even a bit more as the planning comes to a head. I love doing the behind the scenes work that brings an event off, while I have no wish to be the face of an event.

Family dissent

5 Sep

I find myself in a dilemma. Some 10 years ago my brother left his wife for another woman. His three daughters sided with their mother and cut contact with all of us. This did not bother me particularly as I do not like any of them. It did however, greatly hurt my parents to lose contact with their granddaughters. For this I hold a grudge.

Since that time the only contact my brother has had with them is when they wanted money. At the time two of them were at a tertiary college and the other about to enter, so it is not like they were immature and unable to understand.

Now, one of them has contacted her father. My first thought and the truth is that yes, she wants money. She wants to buy her own business. My brother says if it had been for lifestyle or a home he would have felt differently but for her career he wants to support her. I guess he paid to get her qualified so fair enough. Also, he is able to decide how he relates to his children, nothing to do with me. It seems she also said enough time had passed for the hurt to be dealt with and she would like to resume a relationship.

Here is my issue. I am not going to be able to forgive her for how she hurt my parents. My parents are just going to be pleased to have her back and will not want me to hold a grudge. I can accept that point of view but until I see behaviour that shows some love and care toward my parents I will hold back my forgiveness. She cannot expect to return as the prodigal son, so to speak, although that story has merit, which only adds to my issue. Forgive and forget is great and if it was about how I was treated that would be fine but it was about how two people who had only ever loved them, were greatly disturbed by their own sons behaviour as they have strong moral and Christian beliefs and had no responsibility in the situation.

Not that there was ever participation before. As children they were always withdrawn at family gatherings and would always leave early. They did not seem to know how to have fun and for that I blame their mother who was the same.

I appreciate that I have a different view to everyone else because I am not a parent, so I do not have that connection with anyone. Everyone else will be more forgiving but until I have seen some positive acts toward my parents she will know that I have not accepted her back. I am prepared to tell her this too.

Giving in to the Illness

28 Aug

I did it. Having a touch of gastro, then a mild cold, I spent three days over the weekend volunteering at an event assisting with parking. After that I gave in to the illness and spent a day in bed. It did the trick and I was feeling better, though not like blogging or even cooking.

Following that the week passed in a bit of a blur. Now we are into another week and I am feeling more in the pink. Thus I did cook again, just a simple dish as that is all I felt like.

Stewing or chuck steak, thinly sliced pieces about 2 inches across, layered in a casserole dish. Add sliced onion, crushed garlic, herbs as desired, some red wine and a can of crushed tomatoes. Bake for 1 hour and enjoy with your choice of vegetables or rice.

I even managed to do some baking from Mum’s recipe book which I was very pleased with and it went down well at the Lions working bee.

So to anyone else who has been or is ailing, feel better soon.


18 Aug

Well, I will not tell a lie. I have been feeling a little under the weather this week. I have told about my tummy bug, still affecting my appetite, what I also have is a sore throat. I have told you how I dose up on garlic to avoid colds and flu and have increased it this week. There is another secret weapon I have, that is tonsils.

Yes, I still have mine and I credit them with halting these viruses when they take hold. I believe my tonsils stop a head cold from becoming a chest infection. Yes, I have a bit of a sore throat and ear ache and feel the cold more than usual but I am not bedridden with it.

As everyone should know, the best treatment for the flu is to take to your bed for the duration of the aches and pains. Lots of fluids, keep warm and feel free to indulge in drugs that make you feel better. Do NOT go out to work, shop or party as this just spreads it around.

Now, I have taken whisky to make my throat feel better, medicinal purposes only. It has worked too, unlike the cold rainy weather that sent me seeking something that warms me through.

It is interesting though that this morning I was feeling like pizza for dinner, even looking forward to it. Now as that time approaches, I find I don’t have the appetite for it. I think it will be chicken soup and toast again.

I look forward to feeling like my normal self again, though happy to keep the poor appetite, and am sure it will not take long to recover as that is how I am. Thank you Mum too, for breastfeeding.


16 Aug

There is a gastro bug doing the rounds at the moment. I got a mild dose of it and am unsure if it was the door handle at the library, where some staff have been off sick, or if it was the cafe with the cutlery out for people to help themselves.

It is always a risk going places where people gather but I am usually pretty lucky and avoid the ills. So the last couple of days I have been off my tucker and wishing I always felt this way about food, ie. eat because I am hungry, not because I like food.

Anyway, I made a belated call to a family member today and told her I had been feeling queasy. She said I should have called someone if I was unwell so they could help me out. Who wants to hear from someone saying they are sick? That is one of the things to deal with when being single, you have to ask before anyone cares about you.

What I wanted to talk about was dealing with gastro. I did enjoy my chicken soup and toast for dinner last night and dry crackers with cream cheese spread for lunch though technically cheese should be avoided, all dairy and meats should too. Broth, nice and hot, will soothe the stomach while avoiding those other foods will deprive the virus of sustenance thus leading to a quick recovery. Today I had stir fry veggies with lots of onion and garlic, on toast.