
16 Sep

I am a little annoyed with my family at present. Not an unusual occurrence for most of us I guess. I am also over Facebook. I do not want to know the trivial thoughts of the next generation so I have unfriended them. This was not the only reason I admit. I asked them to put a post on their walls for me and none of them did. Says to me that none of them care about me while asking me to post things for them. Well, no more. I have deactivated my account and am no longer interested in the trivia of my family’s day-to-day lives.

Over the last fortnight I have had my siblings and spouses to dinner, separately, and my parents for lunch. It is a far better way to keep in touch. One sister-in-law is really a stranger to me and I thought having them to dinner would let me know her a bit more. She doesn’t have a lot to say, neither does Dad. It is okay because now she knows me better. This is the generation I want to connect with.

My life is interesting enough for me. I have become involved in the community through volunteering and joining a club. I am meeting interesting people and getting to do things usually out of the realm of a regular member of the public. I get to go out for dinner 3-4 times a month and with some events coming up that is even a bit more as the planning comes to a head. I love doing the behind the scenes work that brings an event off, while I have no wish to be the face of an event.

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